Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What is your primary question in life at the moment?

Many of my readers have been to Tony Robbins seminars and if you have too, you may recall that he says our life is driven by our personal primary questions?

For example, "How am I going to feed my family?" may well be the primary question of someone with inadequate resources to provide sufficient food for themselves & family. This question may be modified to "How am I going to pay the bills?" for someone slightly better off, and "How am I going to pay my credit card debts?" for someone used to a lifestyle beyond their means.

Not all of us are driven by financial questions of course.

What type of questions are you driven by?

The quality of your primary question may well reflect the quality of your life.

For example, my guess is that a day in the life of someone with a primary question, "How can I beat my competition?" will be very different to that of someone focused on the question "How can I express more of myself & contribute more?"...and the irony is that the latter may much more readily beat their competition without even trying! :) :)

So, remind yourself of your primary question and the results you are achieving in life as a consequence of the direction in which that question is steering you.

Would you like to share your interesting primary questions?