Saturday, January 02, 2010

Lucky People Think Creatively

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” James Allen

Lucky people think creatively and the quality of their thoughts and open-mindedness, attracts opportunities that they promptly notice because they anticipate lucky breaks. In contract, unlucky people fail to notice opportunities as they pass by, because they are too busy, caught up in their thoughts filled with worry, fear and self-pity.

It may seem rather simplistic or extreme to define a person and their luck as a measure of their thoughts. However, for over a hundred years, James Allen, author of ‘As a Man Thinketh’ (1902) has influenced the lives of millions around the world with his profound theory which in essence states that “what we think is what we are”. The implications of Allen’s assumptions are that we create our own luck in life and that the distinction between fortunate and unfortunate people is basically in the quality of their thoughts.

In his popular book ‘As a Man Thinketh’, James Allen explains the impact of our thoughts on our character, circumstances, health, purpose and achievements in life. How have your thoughts shaped your luck and life in these respects?

1. Character
Your character has probably evolved over the years as you moved from the stages of childhood to adulthood. Our emotions naturally change over the years and we learn to let go of thoughts that no longer serve us. When we go through painful or traumatic experiences, our character changes, for the better or worse, based on our thoughts and the meaning we assign to the situation. If, as James Allen suggests, our thoughts are like seeds, what have you been planting? What are the fruits of your character at this point in your life?

“Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.” James Allen.
Lucky people tend to focus on solutions whereas unlucky people dwell on problems. In thinking creatively, lucky people know how to escape from adverse circumstances whereas unlucky people are unable or unwilling to envisage a way out. Stressful situations can force people to reveal themselves as they really are, without the masks they use to disguise their internal thoughts and character. How do you behave when the going gets tough? How authentic are you? How do you interpret the circumstances you find yourself in now?

3.Health & Body
People that place a high value on their health usually take good care of their bodies. This requires thoughtful consideration about what to eat; when to exercise; how to relax and how to revitalise our energy. Effective action to maintain health has to be preceded by effective thinking. How often do you reflect deeply about your health and take actions to nurture your body appropriately?

4. Achievement
Creative thinking and sustained effort is essential to complete the required process In order to achieve any worthwhile success. Whereas lucky people are persistent in taking actions towards their dreams and goals, unlucky people lazily expect their dreams to manifest without any action on their part. Even a very tiny action can cause an enormous effect.
What actions are you taking on a daily basis to create your dreams and achieve your goals in life?

Those who live life without inspiring dreams that pull them forward with a strong sense of purpose about where they are going and how they need to use each day in order to get there, remain stagnant in the shadows of their worries, fears and petty challenges. Unlucky people focus on the minor trials and tribulations of life because they do not, instead, have a clear, desirable and exciting goal that they feel passionate about attaining. Fortunate, lucky people are driven by their dreams rather than held back by their petty concerns. What is your purpose in life? Is the attractive force of your purpose stronger than the debilitating force of your self-doubt and fears? How creatively can you achieve your purpose?

Allen, J. (1902) As a Man Thinketh

This blog is part of a book called "You’re So Lucky!" by Jesvir Mahil. To read more, subscribe to the free Success Newsletter )
Ms Jesvir Mahil
London, UK

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